Content Marketing Blog

How to Generate Blog Topics for Free

Blogs are ravenous beasts. Whether you’re starting a brand-new blog or feeding an existing one, you know it’s important to post on a regular basis: every month, every week, even every day. And you know that those posts need to be fresh, relevant and engaging. There’s nothing more off-putting...

Mastiff puppy chewing on pile of books

How to Perform a Content Audit

“Never look back”, they say. But here at WordHound, we think there are times when looking back at where we’ve already been can shape where we end up in the future. And not just during your driving test. Brace yourself – it’s time for some searching questions.  Put your hand up...

7 Things to Include in Your Website Content

You invest in a website in order to attract the attention of your ideal client, and ultimately, to convince them that working with you is a bloody good idea.  But what exactly do they need to know in order to trust you with their hard-earned cash? The story of...

Orange dog flying around the sun cartoon

WordHound Does 2024: 6 Strategies for our 6th year!

2023 was WordHound’s 5th trip around the sun. That’s 2,920,000,000 miles travelled! And it’s been an exciting (read: sometimes alarming) rollercoaster of tech innovation, hasn’t it? We’ve had AI writers improving every 5 minutes. Designers have watched AI create images in seconds that would have taken them hours, if not...

How We Capture Tone of Voice

Have you ever taken one of those quizzes where you have to guess the brand from a snippet of their copy? The vocabulary and turns of phrase they use are consistent enough for you to be able to pick them out of the lineup… sometimes. Your clients' brands might not...

Google Drive: a Love Story

Why we use Google Drive to Deliver Content Start searching for a content management system and you’ll be greeted by more options than you know what to do with. So what does a content delivery system really need to do? For us, we knew we needed the following in order...

Do I Need a Content Manager?

If you’ve come across our WordHound white label content partnership before, you’ll know that we put a whole content department in your corner. And that includes Ang as your content manager. So… what exactly is a content manager? We’re here to answer that question and help you decide if...